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Les nacres (Pinna nobilis) són el mol·lusc més gros del Mediterrani i el segon del Planeta, i arriben a superar gairebé el metre de longitud. Es tracta d’una espècie emblemàtica ja que només es pot trobar al Mediterrani. Tanmateix, la seva dràstica reducció a causa d’un paràsit (Haplosporidium pinnae) ha portat els científics a declarar-la en perill d’extinció només un any després de la detecció de les primeres  mortaldats massives el 2016.


On es troben


El seu hábitat són les praderies de Posidonia oceanica i Cymodocea nodosa, zones d’alt interès per a la conservació, la protección de les quals està recollida a les normatives medioambientals nacionals i europees, prova que la seva preservació és fonamental per al funcionament dels nostres ecosistemes marins.


Importància ecològica


La nacra té funcions importants dintre de l’ecosistema, ja que proporciona nous hàbitats a espècies bentòniques i genera així un augment de biodiversitat i de la riquesa específica als ecosistemes en què està present. D’altra banda, a l’alimentar-se per filtració de l’aigua, també juga un paper ecològic vital perquè reté grans quantitats de matèria orgànica en suspensió i afavoreix axí la claredat de les aigües.



La principal amenaça natural fins ara era la depredació per part d’algunes espècies de peixos com les dorades (Sparus aurata) i pops (Octopus vulgaris), a la qual cosa s’afegia la reducció i deteriorament de l’hàbitat, cosa que produïa el declivi de les seves poblacions. Així, la seva supervivència està molt lligada a l’impacte que exercim els humans sobre aquestes praderies, en múltiples formes: obres costeres, pesca d’arrossegament, dragats, fondeigs d’embarcacions, contaminació química i orgànica. L’aparició del paràsit ha reduït per damunt del 90% les poblacions de la seva distribució mediterrània (Foto 1).

A més, el fet que la nacra sigui una espècie hermafrodita (canvia de sexe en diferents fases de la vida), juntament amb un reclutament --superació de las fases iniciales de desenvolupament-- escàs i a pedaços, fa que la seva recuperació presente dificultats serioses.


Distribució de la nacra



El 2016 i a causa d’un paràsit, l’epidèmia va començar a estendre’s des de les Illes Balears, passant al País Valencià i d’allà cap al sud de la península Ibèrica. Malgrat que semblava que la costa catalana s’havia beneficiat d’un règim de corrents desfavorables per a l’arribada del paràsit, va ser qüestió de temps que colpegés també aquestes poblacions.  La malaltia s’ha estès a França, Itàlia i Grècia (Foto 2). En l’actualitat queden sobretot poblacions a badies costaneres perquè el paràsit no és capaç d’entrar-hi per les diferents condicions de salinitat existentes. Els exemples més pròxims són el delta de l’Ebre i el Mar Menor.


Abans d’aquest episodi, la nacra ja estava protegida per la Directiva Hàbitat (92/43/CEE), que li concedeix una protecció estricta, inclosa a l’Annex IV, així com a l’Annex II del Conveni de Barcelona. A nivell estatal, està inclosa amb la categoria de Vulnerable al Catálogo Español de Especies Amenazadas (RD 139/11). El canvi de categoria a “Amenaçada Crítica” comporta l’obligació de dur a terme i incentivar la realització de projectes i investigacions enfocats a la recuperació d’aquesta espècie d’interès general (Article 60.2 de la Llei 42/2007). El 2020, la Generalitat inclou la nacra dintre de las espècies prioritàries per a la seva conservació.

Considerant el poc control sobre els patògens i mentre s’estudia com afecta la malaltia i les seves característiques epidemiològiques, es fa necessari actuar directament sobre els individus sans amb l’objecte de mantenir l’espècie enfocant-se en facilitar la repoblació.


Extensió de la malaltia



Nacra viva



Des del 2020 la Fundació Barcelona Zoo estableix un conveni amb l’Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) per posar en marxa accions per a la conservació de las nacres.

Els esforços se centren en el rescat d’individus sans però assentats en zones de poca profunditat susceptibles de riscs de dessecació per les marees i col·lisió amb embarcacions. Aquests exemplars, uns 2.000 segons estimacions de l’IRTA, es “trasplantaran” a zones properes però de major profunditat de la mateixa badia dels Alfacs on es troben.

La realitzacin de censos de nacres a les dues badies del delta de l’Ebre per conèixer el nombre d’individus, vius i morts. Com que el paràsit no aconsegueix entrar a zones de baixa o alta salinitat, es caracteritzarà les condicions físico-químiques de les diferents zones de les badies amb l’objectiu de determinar, en cas de l’entrada del paràsit a la badia, quines zonas serien més segures per a moure exemplars.

Per acabar, es farà un esforç especial per buscar nacres resistents al paràsit a les zones on les nacres s’han pogut veure exclòs a aquest, com les bocanes de la badia on les condicions salines són más semblants a les de mar obert.

D’aquesta manera, el Delta de l’Ebre es convertiria en un reservori de nacres per tal que, en els pròxims anys, a mesura que baixi la virulència de l’epidèmia, millorin els coneixements i s’investigui en aquells exemplars que puguin ser resistents per poder dur a terme una repoblació del Mediterrani.

Veure vídeo

[summary] => Fauna i patrimoni natural de tots [format] => basic_html ) ) [en] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>


The noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis) is the largest mollusc in the Mediterranean and the second largest on the planet, measuring almost one metre in length. It is an iconic species since it is only found in the Mediterranean. However, the drastic reduction in its population due to a parasite (Haplosporidium pinnae) has led scientists to declare it an endangered species, just one year after the first mass mortalities were detected in 2016.


Where is it found?


Its habitat is the Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa, areas of high conservation interest whose protection is enshrined in Spanish and European environmental regulations. This protection is proof that their preservation is essential for the functioning of our marine ecosystems.


Ecological importance


The noble pen shell serves essential functions within the ecosystem. It provides new habitats to benthic species, thus increasing biodiversity while lending a specific richness to the ecosystems in which it is present. As it feeds by filtering the water, it also plays a crucial ecological role by retaining large quantities of suspended organic matter, thus helping to improve water clarity.



To date, the main natural threat has been predation by certain marine species —such as the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and the octopus (Octopus vulgaris)— in addition to the reduction and deterioration of its habitat, which has brought about a decline in its population. Its survival is therefore intricately linked to the impact that human beings have on these seagrass meadows, taking into account activities such as coastal works, trawling, dredging, anchoring of boats and chemical and organic pollution. The emergence of the parasite has reduced its population in the Mediterranean by more than 90% (Photo 1).

Moreover, the fact that the noble pen shell is a hermaphroditic species (it changes sex at different stages of its life), together with its low and patchy recruitment (overcoming the initial stages of development), means that its recovery is faced with serious difficulties.


Distribució de la nacra



In 2016, the epidemic began to spread from the Balearic Islands to Valencia due to a parasite. From there, it spread to the southern coastline of the Iberian Peninsula. While the Catalan coast appeared to have benefited from currents that made it difficult for the parasite to arrive, it was only a matter of time before it also reached these populations.  The disease has since spread to France, Italy and Greece (Photo 2). At present, populations remain primarily in coastal bays. This is because the parasite is not able to enter due to the different salinity conditions. The closest examples are the Ebro Delta and the Mar Menor.


Prior to this episode, the noble pen shell was already protected under Annex IV of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), which grants it strict protection, as well as Annex II of the Barcelona Convention. At the national level, it is listed as “Vulnerable” in the Spanish Catalogue of Threatened Species (RD 139/11). The change of category to “Critically Endangered” entails the obligation to carry out and incentivize research projects and activities focused on recovering this species of general interest (Article 60.2 of Law 42/2007). In 2020, the Generalitat included the noble pen shell in the list of priority conservation species.

Given the lack of control over the pathogens, and while studies on the effects of the disease and its epidemiological characteristics are ongoing, it is necessary to act directly on healthy individuals in order to maintain the species with a focus on facilitating repopulation. 



Extensió de la malaltia



Nacra viva



Since 2020, the Barcelona Zoo Foundation has established an agreement with the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) to carry out actions that help to facilitate the conservation of noble pen shells.

These efforts focus on the rescue of healthy but settled individuals in shallow areas that are susceptible to tidal desiccation and collision with vessels. These specimens (around 2,000 according to IRTA estimates) will be “transplanted” to deeper but nearby areas in the same Alfacs Bay where they are currently found.

The carrying out of noble pen shell censuses in the two bays of the Ebro Delta has helped to ascertain the number of individuals, both dead and alive. Since the parasite cannot enter areas of low or high salinity, the physical and chemical conditions of the different parts of the bays will be characterised in order to determine, if the parasite enters the bay, the safest areas for the specimens to be moved to.

Finally, a special effort will be made to look for parasite-resistant noble pen shells in areas where they may have been previously exposed to the parasite, such as the inlets to the bay where saline conditions are more similar to those in the open sea.

This would see the Ebro Delta become a reservoir for noble pen shells. It is hoped that in the coming years, as the virulence of the epidemic drops, our knowledge will improve and more research projects will be carried out on those specimens that may be resistant to the parasites, with a view to repopulating the species in the Mediterranean.

See vídeo

[summary] => Wildlife and natural heritage of us all [format] => basic_html ) ) [es] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>


Las nacras (Pinna nobilis) son el molusco más grande del Mediterráneo y el segundo del Planeta, y llegan a superar casi el metro de longitud. Se trata de una especie emblemática ya que solo puede encontrarse en el Mediterráneo. Sin embargo, su drástica reducción debido a un parásito (Haplosporidium pinnae) ha llevado a los científicos a declararla en peligro de extinción en apenas un año tras la detección de las primeras mortalidades masivas en el 2016.


Dónde encontrarlas


Su hábitat son las praderas de Posidonia oceanica y Cymodocea nodosa, zonas de alto interés para la conservación cuya protección está recogida en las normativas medioambientales nacionales y europeas, prueba de que su preservación es fundamental para el funcionamiento de nuestros ecosistemas marinos.


Importancia ecológica


La nacra tiene funciones importantes dentro del ecosistema, ya que proporciona nuevos hábitats a especies bentónicas generando así un aumento de biodiversidad y de la riqueza específica en los ecosistemas en los que está presente. Por otro lado, al alimentarse por filtración del agua también juega un papel ecológico vital porque retiene grandes cantidades de materia orgánica en suspensión y favorece así la claridad de las aguas.



La principal amenaza natural hasta la fecha se debía a depredación por algunas especies de peces como doradas (Sparus aurata) y pulpo (Octopus vulgaris), a lo que se añadía la reducción y deterioro de su hábitat, lo que producía un declive en sus poblaciones. Así, su supervivencia está muy ligada al impacto que ejercemos los humanos sobre estas praderas, en múltiples formas: obras costeras, pesca de arrastre, dragados, fondeos de embarcaciones, contaminación química y orgánica. La aparición del parásito ha reducido por encima del 90% las poblaciones de su distribución mediterránea (Foto 1).

Además, el hecho de que la nacra sea una especie hermafrodita (cambia de sexo en diferentes fases de su vida), junto a un reclutamiento --superación de las fases iniciales de desarrollo-- escaso y parcheado, hace que su recuperación presente serias dificultades.


Distribució de la nacra



En 2016 y debido a un parásito la epidemia comenzó a extenderse desde las islas Baleares, pasando a Valencia y de ahí al sur de la península Ibérica. A pesar de que la costa catalana parecía haberse beneficiado de un régimen de corrientes desfavorable para la llegada del parásito, fue cuestión de tiempo que golpeara también estas poblaciones.  La enfermedad se ha extendido a Francia, Italia y Grecia (Foto 2). En la actualidad quedan sobre todo poblaciones en bahías costeras debido a que el parásito no es capaz de entrar por las diferentes condiciones de salinidad existentes. Los ejemplos más próximos son el Delta del Ebro y el Mar Menor.


Antes de este episodio, la nacra ya estaba protegida por la Directiva Hábitat (92/43/CEE), que le concede una protección estricta, incluida en el Anexo IV, así como en el Anexo II del Convenio de Barcelona. A nivel estatal está incluida con la categoría de Vulnerable en el Catálogo Español de Especies Amenazadas (RD 139/11). El cambio de categoría a “Amenazada Crítica” conlleva la obligación de realizar e incentivar la realización de proyectos e investigaciones enfocados a la recuperación de esta especie de interés general (Artículo 60.2 de la Ley 42/2007). En 2020, la Generalitat incluye a la nacra dentro de las especies prioritarias para su conservación.

Dado el poco control sobre los patógenos y mientras se estudia cómo afecta la enfermedad y sus características epidemiológicas, se hace necesario actuar directamente sobre los individuos sanos con el fin de mantener la especie enfocados en facilitar la repoblación.


Extensió de la malaltia



Nacra viva



Desde el 2020 la Fundación Zoo de Barcelona establece un convenio con el Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) para realizar acciones para la conservación de las nacras.

Dichos esfuerzos se centran en el rescate de individuos sanos pero asentados en zonas de poca profundidad susceptibles de riesgos de desecación por las mareas y colisión con embarcaciones. Estos ejemplares, unos 2.000 según estimaciones del IRTA, se “trasplantarán” a zonas cercanas pero de mayor profundidad de la misma bahía de Alfacs donde se encuentran.

La realización de censos de nacras en las dos bahías del Delta del Ebro para conocer el número de individuos, vivos y muertos. Dado que el parásito no consigue entrar en zonas de baja o alta salinidad, se caracterizará las condiciones físico-químicas de las diferentes zonas de las bahías con el objetivo de determinar, en caso de la entrada del parasito en la bahía, qué zonas serían más seguras para mover ejemplares.

Por último, se realizará un esfuerzo especial para buscar nacras resistentes al parásito en las zonas donde las nacras se han podido ver expuestas al mismo, como las bocanas de la bahía donde las condiciones salinas son más parecidas a las de mar abierto.

De esta manera, el Delta del Ebro se convertiría en un reservorio de nacras para que, en los próximos años, según baje la virulencia de la epidemia, se mejoren los conocimientos y se investigue en aquellos ejemplares que puedan ser resistentes para poder realizar una repoblación del Mediterráneo.

Ver el vídeo

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[field_name] => type [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:entity_reference [settings] => Array ( [target_type] => node_type [handler] => default [handler_settings] => Array(0) ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Tipus de contingut [required] => 1 [read-only] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => type [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revision_timestamp] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Revision create time [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => The time that the current revision was created. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_timestamp [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:created [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_timestamp [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => created [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => created [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revision_uid] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Revision user [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => The user ID of the author of the current revision. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_uid [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:entity_reference [settings] => Array ( [target_type] => user [handler] => default [handler_settings] => Array(0) ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_uid [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revision_log] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Revision log message [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Briefly describe the changes you have made. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => ) ) [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_log [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:string_long [settings] => Array ( [case_sensitive] => ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [display] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_log [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => string_long [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => string_long [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [status] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Published [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1 ) ) [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => status [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [display] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => status [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [uid] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Authored by [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [translatable] => 1 [default_value_callback] => Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => The username of the content author. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => uid [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:entity_reference [settings] => Array ( [target_type] => user [handler] => default [handler_settings] => Array(0) ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatable] => 1 [default_value_callback] => Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [provider] => node [field_name] => uid [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [title] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Title [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [required] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(2) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => title [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:string [settings] => Array ( [max_length] => 255 [is_ascii] => [case_sensitive] => ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [required] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [provider] => node [field_name] => title [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => string [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => string [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [created] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Authored on [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => The time that the node was created. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(2) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => created [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:created [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [provider] => node [field_name] => created [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => created [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => created [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [changed] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Changed [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => The time that the node was last edited. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => changed [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:changed [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => changed [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => changed [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => changed [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [promote] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride [entityTypeId:protected] => base_field_override [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.promote [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => c0adbc6f-af0f-48da-b648-e6540730629c [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => node.type.project ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.promote [field_name:protected] => promote [field_type:protected] => boolean [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Promoted to front page [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [on_label] => On [off_label] => Off ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 0 ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [baseFieldDefinition:protected] => ) [sticky] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Sticky at top of lists [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => ) ) [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => sticky [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [display] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => sticky [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [default_langcode] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Default translation [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => A flag indicating whether this is the default translation. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [translatable] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => default_langcode [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatable] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => default_langcode [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revision_default] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Default revision [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [storage_required] => 1 [internal] => 1 [translatable] => [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_default [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [storage_required] => 1 [internal] => 1 [translatable] => [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_default [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revision_translation_affected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Revision translation affected [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [read-only] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_translation_affected [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [read-only] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_translation_affected [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [metatag] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support) [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => The meta tags for the entity. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [class] => \Drupal\metatag\Plugin\Field\MetatagEntityFieldItemList [computed] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [entity_type] => node [provider] => metatag [field_name] => metatag [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:map [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [class] => \Drupal\metatag\Plugin\Field\MetatagEntityFieldItemList [computed] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [entity_type] => node [provider] => metatag [field_name] => metatag [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => map [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => map [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [path] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => URL alias [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(2) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [computed] => 1 [provider] => path [field_name] => path [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:path [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array(1) [computed] => 1 [provider] => path [field_name] => path [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => path [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => path [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [menu_link] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Menu link [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving). [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [revisionable] => 1 [class] => \Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList [translatable] => 1 [internal] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(2) ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(1) ) ) [computed] => 1 [provider] => token [field_name] => menu_link [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:entity_reference [settings] => Array ( [target_type] => menu_link_content [handler] => default [handler_settings] => Array(0) ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [class] => \Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList [translatable] => 1 [internal] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [computed] => 1 [provider] => token [field_name] => menu_link [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [moderation_state] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Moderation state [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => The moderation state of this piece of content. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [entity_type] => node [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => ) ) [constraints] => Array ( [ModerationState] => Array ( ) ) [provider] => workbench_moderation [field_name] => moderation_state [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:entity_reference [settings] => Array ( [target_type] => moderation_state [handler] => default [handler_settings] => Array(0) ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [entity_type] => node [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [constraints] => Array(1) [provider] => workbench_moderation [field_name] => moderation_state [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [content_translation_source] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Translation source [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => The source language from which this translation was created. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => und ) ) [initial_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => und ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => content_translation [field_name] => content_translation_source [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:language [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [default_value] => Array(1) [initial_value] => Array(1) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => content_translation [field_name] => content_translation_source [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => language [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => language [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [content_translation_outdated] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => Translation outdated [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [string:protected] => A boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => ) [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => ) ) [initial_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => content_translation [field_name] => content_translation_outdated [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [default_value] => Array(1) [initial_value] => Array(1) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => content_translation [field_name] => content_translation_outdated [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) ) [body] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.body [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 88196ec2-d62c-4b59-93c9-0892c4286ecc [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff [1] => text ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.body [field_name:protected] => body [field_type:protected] => text_with_summary [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Cos [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [display_summary] => 1 [required_summary] => ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_featured] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_featured [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 835a998a-c3d8-466a-a8f8-8cb3fdd3823d [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_featured [field_name:protected] => field_featured [field_type:protected] => boolean [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Destacat [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [on_label] => On [off_label] => Off ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 0 ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_image] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_image [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => f2f2fa9e-5477-4d82-bb06-ef7404ef3d76 [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [filefield_paths] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [file_path] => Array ( [value] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [options] => Array(3) ) [file_name] => Array ( [value] => [file:ffp-name-only-original].[file:ffp-extension-original] [options] => Array(3) ) [redirect] => [retroactive_update] => [active_updating] => ) [content_translation] => Array ( [translation_sync] => Array ( [file] => file [alt] => 0 [title] => 0 ) ) [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => content_translation [1] => fff [2] => filefield_paths [3] => image ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_image [field_name:protected] => field_image [field_type:protected] => image [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Header image [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:file [handler_settings] => Array ( ) [file_directory] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [file_extensions] => png gif jpg jpeg [max_filesize] => [max_resolution] => [min_resolution] => [alt_field] => 1 [alt_field_required] => 1 [title_field] => [title_field_required] => [default_image] => Array ( [uuid] => [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_animal_link] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_animal_link [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => d1d5a07c-1b92-44ee-87d0-f6d658c9a178 [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff [1] => link ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_animal_link [field_name:protected] => field_ps_animal_link [field_type:protected] => link [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Fitxa de l'animal [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [title] => 2 [link_type] => 1 ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_institution] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_institution [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => dd368b0a-259c-4957-ac26-e2a2d57fd266 [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_institution [field_name:protected] => field_ps_institution [field_type:protected] => string [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Institució [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_main_img] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_main_img [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 188885a4-74c5-48c8-af2a-687310e992aa [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [filefield_paths] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [file_path] => Array ( [value] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [options] => Array(3) ) [file_name] => Array ( [value] => [file:ffp-name-only-original].[file:ffp-extension-original] [options] => Array(3) ) [redirect] => [retroactive_update] => [active_updating] => ) [content_translation] => Array ( [translation_sync] => Array ( [file] => file [alt] => 0 [title] => 0 ) ) [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => content_translation [1] => fff [2] => filefield_paths [3] => image ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_main_img [field_name:protected] => field_ps_main_img [field_type:protected] => image [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Imatge principal [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:file [handler_settings] => Array ( ) [file_directory] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [file_extensions] => png gif jpg jpeg [max_filesize] => [max_resolution] => [min_resolution] => [alt_field] => 1 [alt_field_required] => [title_field] => [title_field_required] => [default_image] => Array ( [uuid] => [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_media] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_media [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 4de0e0b1-9e13-4580-be6e-78d13c02e07c [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [filefield_paths] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [file_path] => Array ( [value] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [options] => Array(3) ) [file_name] => Array ( [value] => [file:ffp-name-only-original].[file:ffp-extension-original] [options] => Array(3) ) [redirect] => [retroactive_update] => [active_updating] => ) [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => 0 ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff [1] => file [2] => filefield_paths ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_media [field_name:protected] => field_ps_media [field_type:protected] => file [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Imatges i Videos [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:file [handler_settings] => Array ( ) [file_directory] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [file_extensions] => mp4 mp3 mpeg avi jpg png gif [max_filesize] => [description_field] => 1 ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_related_docs] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_related_docs [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 9c19123a-db68-4e15-b3c2-f123dc3db345 [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [filefield_paths] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [file_path] => Array ( [value] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [options] => Array(3) ) [file_name] => Array ( [value] => [file:ffp-name-only-original].[file:ffp-extension-original] [options] => Array(3) ) [redirect] => [retroactive_update] => [active_updating] => ) [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => 0 ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff [1] => file [2] => filefield_paths ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_related_docs [field_name:protected] => field_ps_related_docs [field_type:protected] => file [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Documents relacionats [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:file [handler_settings] => Array ( ) [file_directory] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [file_extensions] => pdf doc docx [max_filesize] => [description_field] => 1 ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_researcher] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_researcher [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 358b6db6-29d9-4db3-87fe-115d61244fcc [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_researcher [field_name:protected] => field_ps_researcher [field_type:protected] => string [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Investigador [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_summary_color] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_summary_color [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 830088ca-a936-4ce5-84c1-5c3770103678 [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => color_field [1] => fff ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_summary_color [field_name:protected] => field_ps_summary_color [field_type:protected] => color_field_type [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Color de fons [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [opacity] => 0 ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_summary_doc] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_summary_doc [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 4c3fc1ac-9184-4e02-874c-886406be40ab [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [filefield_paths] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [file_path] => Array ( [value] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [options] => Array(3) ) [file_name] => Array ( [value] => [file:ffp-name-only-original].[file:ffp-extension-original] [options] => Array(3) ) [redirect] => [retroactive_update] => [active_updating] => ) [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => 0 ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff [1] => file [2] => filefield_paths ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_summary_doc [field_name:protected] => field_ps_summary_doc [field_type:protected] => file [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Document resum [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:file [handler_settings] => Array ( ) [file_directory] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [file_extensions] => pdf doc docx [max_filesize] => [description_field] => 1 ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_summary_img] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_summary_img [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 1341dc0d-45e9-4517-bdbd-36f81d07dae3 [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [filefield_paths] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [file_path] => Array ( [value] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [options] => Array(3) ) [file_name] => Array ( [value] => [file:ffp-name-only-original].[file:ffp-extension-original] [options] => Array(3) ) [redirect] => [retroactive_update] => [active_updating] => ) [content_translation] => Array ( [translation_sync] => Array ( [file] => file [alt] => 0 [title] => 0 ) ) [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => content_translation [1] => fff [2] => filefield_paths [3] => image ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_summary_img [field_name:protected] => field_ps_summary_img [field_type:protected] => image [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Imatge resum [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:file [handler_settings] => Array ( ) [file_directory] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m] [file_extensions] => png gif jpg jpeg [max_filesize] => [max_resolution] => [min_resolution] => [alt_field] => 1 [alt_field_required] => [title_field] => [title_field_required] => [default_image] => Array ( [uuid] => [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_ps_year] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_ps_year [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 82500720-50ba-478d-8a59-72c03b7f4fc1 [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.years ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_ps_year [field_name:protected] => field_ps_year [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Any [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [years] => years ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) [field_weight] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.project.field_weight [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 47a2e8d7-1b96-4b00-945b-2fa4598a1ffc [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => [langcode:protected] => ca [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( [fff] => Array ( [file_extensions_disallowed] => ) ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.project ) [module] => Array ( [0] => fff ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [id:protected] => node.project.field_weight [field_name:protected] => field_weight [field_type:protected] => integer [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => project [label:protected] => Pes [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [min] => [max] => [prefix] => [suffix] => ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [deleted:protected] => ) ) [languages:protected] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [name:protected] => Anglès [id:protected] => en [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 0 [locked:protected] => ) [ca] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [name:protected] => Catalan [id:protected] => ca [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 0 [locked:protected] => ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [name:protected] => Spanish [id:protected] => es [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 0 [locked:protected] => ) [und] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [name:protected] => Sense especificar [id:protected] => und [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 2 [locked:protected] => 1 ) [zxx] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [name:protected] => No aplicable [id:protected] => zxx [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 3 [locked:protected] => 1 ) ) [langcodeKey:protected] => langcode [defaultLangcodeKey:protected] => default_langcode [activeLangcode:protected] => x-default [defaultLangcode:protected] => ca [translations:protected] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [status] => 1 ) [en] => Array ( [status] => 1 ) [es] => Array ( [status] => 1 ) ) [translationInitialize:protected] => [newRevision:protected] => [isDefaultRevision:protected] => 1 [entityKeys:protected] => Array ( [bundle] => project [id] => 1779 [revision] => 2723 [uuid] => edae7e9c-02f8-4cfd-84fe-aec0e0724fe6 ) [translatableEntityKeys:protected] => Array ( [label] => Array ( [x-default] => La nacra [en] => The last noble pen shells [es] => La nacra ) [langcode] => Array ( [x-default] => ca [en] => en [es] => es ) [status] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 [en] => 1 [es] => 1 ) [published] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 [en] => 1 [es] => 1 ) [uid] => Array ( [x-default] => 20048 [en] => 20808 [es] => 20808 ) [owner] => Array ( [x-default] => 20048 [en] => 20808 [es] => 20808 ) [default_langcode] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 [en] => 0 [es] => 0 ) [revision_translation_affected] => Array ( [x-default] => [en] => [es] => 1 ) ) [validated:protected] => [validationRequired:protected] => [loadedRevisionId:protected] => 2723 [revisionTranslationAffectedKey:protected] => revision_translation_affected [enforceRevisionTranslationAffected:protected] => Array ( ) [isSyncing:protected] => [in_preview] => )