"Floquet de Neu" Awards ceremony 2019

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Today we celebrated the delivery of " Floqyet de Neu" awards in its 16th edition for the best high school research work carried out during 2018.

During this year the educators have advised 72 students to do their TR and of these, 21 were presented to participate in this edition of the awards.

The delivery has begun with an introduction of the head of the Education Area: Isabel Martínez welcoming all attendees: winners, participants, families, tutors and institutional representatives of the Barcelona City Council.

Then we have had the guest of this edition: Sergi García, president of "Galanthus", who explained the importance of the conservation of the nearest urban biodiversity by reviewing his professional career.


Then the person in charge of the courses of the research work: Gemma Morató, has made a short introduction about them and proceeded to the awards ceremony: 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

First prize: Laura Agustín Hito for her work: "Study of the affiliate and sexual behavior of the Humboldt penguins of the Barcelona Zoo" of the IES Eugeni d'Ors of Vilafranca del Penedès.m

Second prize: Andrea Karsen and Claire Goyard for their work: "Study of the integration of an orangutan in the Zoo of Barcelona" of the IES Josep Lluis Sert of Castelldefels.


Third prize: Núria Serra and Sara Pascassi for their work: "Through the glass ... ethological study: the hierarchy of the chimpanzee community of the Barcelona Zoo of the IES La Lata de Badalona.


And as the closing ceremony, Mrs. Laia Bonet, 3rd Deputy Mayor, has made a small historical summary of the work for biodiversity that the Zoo of Barcelona has always done and a walk through the previous editions of these awards. We cannot forget that the rest of the participants have been able to collect their deserved diploma and a small detail for their participation.


From the Education Area we want to thank your participation and assistance!.