First day Open House for teachers

Class where it's done the open house

Today, 23th December, taking advantage of the Christmas holidays beginning, we’ve opened the doors from Barcelona Zoo Education Area to all teachers in order to discover and have an idea about the guide tours and workshops that the department offered to all of the schools from Catalunya.

In the cover photo, it can see the class prepared in order to attend all the teachers.

Besides, this year we’ve wanted to reward the teacher’s attendance with a special activity that we’ve prepared for the teachers and their family. With this activity we’ve tried to show why the oceans are in danger taking advantage of the new EAZA campaign.

Famílies realitzant l'activitat
Famílies doing the activity about oceans problems

 Finally, all participants have been able to write in our purpose wall whatever they will do to save the world seas and oceans.

What can I do?
What can I do?

The next days to the open house are tomorrow 24th December and Friday 27th December.